Ethylene oxidation on unpromoted silver catalysts: Reaction pathway and selectivity analysis using DFT calculations | AIChE

Ethylene oxidation on unpromoted silver catalysts: Reaction pathway and selectivity analysis using DFT calculations

TitleEthylene oxidation on unpromoted silver catalysts: Reaction pathway and selectivity analysis using DFT calculations
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2021
AuthorsWu, S, Tatarchuk, BJ, Adamczyk, AJ
JournalSurface Science
Date Publishedjun
Keywords8.9, BP5Q4, EO selectivity, Ethylene oxidation, Intensified Process Fundamentals, Periodic plane-wave DFT, Project 8.9, Reaction mechanism, Reaction path analysis, Silver catalyst, Surface intermediates

Chemical conversions in catalytic partial oxidation processes of light hydrocarbons are responsible for the production of numerous industrial chemicals, plastics, and intermediates. These processes are relatively expensive to perform, and are typically operated at high thermodynamic inefficiency, so the development of novel, highly efficient catalysts would prove to be very cost effective. Herein, our study focused on surface catalytic mechanisms of the ethylene oxide (EO) formation process. Periodic plane-wave Density Functional Theory (DFT) methods were used to analyze related reaction mechanisms on the Ag(111) surface facet with low coverage. Energetic changes of related species and pathways were calculated. Key surface species are identified to suggest the factors for the observed selectivity during EO formation. Our results are consistent with previous kinetic modeling efforts in the literature which did not employ DFT analysis. Lastly, our study demonstrates how fundamental theoretical investigations and multi-scale modeling techniques are currently impacting the advancement of rational catalyst design and microkinetic modeling techniques in the light hydrocarbon processing industry.
