Exploring the benefits of utilizing small modular device for sustainable and flexible shale gas water management | AIChE

Exploring the benefits of utilizing small modular device for sustainable and flexible shale gas water management

TitleExploring the benefits of utilizing small modular device for sustainable and flexible shale gas water management
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2023
AuthorsCao, K, Sitapure, N, Kwon, JSang-Il
JournalJournal of Cleaner Production
Date Publishedjan

Growing shale gas extraction in recent years has triggered wide discussions on the associated freshwater requirement and wastewater management. Many optimization approaches have been developed for shale gas water management; however, most of the studies assumed permanent utilization of wastewater treatment facilities with fixed capacities. Considering the rapidly declining characteristics of shale gas wastewater production, these treatment facilities could remain largely underutilized after the first few months/years of production, making them less economically attractive. To maximize the capacity utilization of treatment facilities and further improve the economic performance of shale gas development, this study develops a systematic optimization framework, where the capacity strategy of conventional treatment facilities and utilization of the recent concept of modular manufacturing are both considered for flexible shale gas water management. The proposed mixed-integer linear programming (MILP) model simultaneously optimizes the design and planning of integrated shale gas and water supply chain, with a focus on capacity planning for both large-scale conventional treatment facilities and small-scale modular devices. A series of Marcellus-based case studies are performed to illustrate the applicability of the proposed model and provide general insights into the trade-offs between the multiple types of treatment facilities. The optimization results reveal that the combinatorial utilization of conventional facilities and modular devices for wastewater treatment (66% by conventional facilities and 34% by modular devices) brings 9.3% more reused water for other well development and 6.2% savings in water-related costs, compared to flexible management of only conventional facilities. This work suggests that taking modular device as auxiliary equipment for shale gas water management is most beneficial to increase the capacity utilization of treatment facilities and achieve a more economic and sustainable shale gas production system.
