Framework for predicting the fractionation of complex liquid feeds via polymer membranes | AIChE

Framework for predicting the fractionation of complex liquid feeds via polymer membranes

TitleFramework for predicting the fractionation of complex liquid feeds via polymer membranes
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2021
AuthorsMathias, R, Weber, DJ, Thompson, KA, Marshall, BD, Finn, MG, Scott, JK, Lively, RP
JournalJournal of Membrane Science

The separation of complex liquid hydrocarbon mixtures was recently demonstrated using the glassy polymer SBAD-1, showing that small molecule fractionation is possible by such organic membrane materials. Here, we develop a framework that will enable workable predictions of permeate flux and composition in complex hydrocarbon liquids through intrinsically porous glassy polymers. The predictions are made by incorporating experimentally-derived unary sorption and diffusion parameters in a Maxwell-Stefan framework coupled with multicomponent sorption models and various distinct diffusion phenomena. Across the range of sorption and diffusion phenomena considered, both the conventional Flory-Huggins model and the proposed Langmuir + Flory-Huggins sorption model combined with a simple average guest diffusivity or a more complex free-volume theory-based transport resulted in the lowest prediction error for three chosen multicomponent separations. The proposed Maxwell-Stefan framework simply requires pure component transport parameters to allow a fast approximation of the separation of multicomponent liquid hydrocarbon feeds that can potentially be extended to more complex feeds such as crude oil fractions.
