Demonstration of Enzyme Accelerated CO2 Capture | AIChE

Demonstration of Enzyme Accelerated CO2 Capture


CO2 Solutions Inc. of Québec, Canada is commercializing a proprietary enzyme-accelerated carbonate solvent technology for the low-cost post-combustion capture of carbon dioxide and its beneficial reuse.  The benefits of the technology include very low parasitic impact on the CO2 source plant through the use of low grade (~80ºC) nil value waste heat for solvent regeneration, as well elimination of amine-related environmental issues.  The presentation will discuss the results of recent demonstration testing at approximatley the 10 tonne-CO2/day scale involving an industrially robust form of carbonic anhydrase enzyme.  The presentation will cover the construction of the unit, operations and lessons learned therein, CO2 capture performance, and resulting techno-economics of the technology for commercial scale application to power and steam generation plants.


This paper has an Extended Abstract file available; you must purchase the conference proceedings to access it.


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