Geothermal Exploitation with Considering CO2 Mineral Sequestration in High Temperature Depleted Gas Reservoir By CO2 Injection  | AIChE

Geothermal Exploitation with Considering CO2 Mineral Sequestration in High Temperature Depleted Gas Reservoir By CO2 Injection 


Cui, G. - Presenter, China University of Petroleum(Huadong)
Zhang, L., China University of Petroleum (Huadong)
Ren, B., The University of Texas at Austin
Zhuang, Y., China University of Petroleum (Huadong)
Li, X., China University of Petroleum (Huadong)
Ren, S., China University of Petroleum (Huadong)
Wang, X., Shengli engineering & Consulting Co., Ltd, SINOPEC


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