Laser-Based Sensors and Algorithms for GCS MVA | AIChE

Laser-Based Sensors and Algorithms for GCS MVA


Frish, M. B. - Presenter, Physical Sciences Inc

For Geologic Carbon Sequestration (GCS) monitoring,
verification, and accounting (MVA), we are developing and evaluating a suite of
cost effective reliable, robust, CO2 sensors and signal processing
algorithms based on Tunable Diode Laser Absorption Spectroscopy (TDLAS). GCS
pumps CO2 into  deep brine-filled aquifers under impermeable cap rock
formations. The biggest risk associated with GCS is the potential for
inadvertent CO2 release from fractures or faults in the cap rock,
injection wells, and transportation infrastructure (e.g. pipelines) with resultant
environmental, health, and safety consequences.  Widespread GCS adoption thus requires
sensors that monitor and verify storage integrity at all depths, from the storage reservoir to the near-surface, and
report if storage properties do not behave as predicted, thus enabling rapid

this end, we are developing gas and liquid sensors that can be permanently installed to continuously
monitor the local CO2 condition directly within and around the
reservoir.  The sensor technology is based on our well-established Tunable
Diode Laser Absorption Spectroscopy (TDLAS) gas measurement products.  TDLAS
offers flexibility in optical sensor configuration choices and covers a broad
range of gaseous analytes within complex mixtures. For different MVA roles,
differing and complementary sensors are called for, as illustrated in Figure 1. 
They include: 1) long open-path sensors for fast notification and
quantification of containment failures, such as at pipelines or injection
facilities; 2) networked point sensors for continuous and autonomous
measurement with the intent of providing long-term CO2 mapping and
changes over time of concentrations and fluxes at sequestration site surfaces
and in shallow sub-surface boreholes; and 3) robust fiber-coupled TDLAS sensors
for the detection of supercritical CO2 downhole in and around the
reservoir CO2 plume for monitoring the progress and paths of
migrating CO2

Figure 1.  MVA
CO2 monitoring and accounting sensor suite, including open-path CO2
gas sensors (red), shallow in-ground CO2 gas point sensors (blue),
and well-depth liquid CO2 sensors (green).

Prototype long-path TDLAS sensors in two
configurations were constructed and successfully tested in 2013 at the Illinois
Basin Decatur Project (IBDP) field site: 1) a hand-held, mobile instrument for
standoff leak inspection of CO2 pipeline infrastructure; and 2) a
solar-powered wireless Open-Path Sensor (OPS) system for continuously monitoring
CO2 integrated along a 100-m path.  The OPS operated for 12 months at the IBDP field site
with limited maintenance.  It readily detected abnormal CO2 emissions
near the wellhead related to routine injection operations. These emissions are characterized by rapidly
fluctuating CO2 concentration signatures; leak detection algorithms
identify these signatures in the face of relatively slow variations in ambient
CO2 arising from biogenic, anthropogenic, and atmospheric mixing
processes. However, it is likely that CO2 seepage from GCS
reservoirs will be of slower time scales over areas much smaller than the
reservoir, and thus more difficult to distinguish from natural CO2 spatio-temporal
variability. Consequently, the monitoring technologies must detect and locate
CO2 leakage signals of potentially very small magnitude relative to
background CO2 variations occurring on diurnal to annual time
scales, and occurring over relatively small areas relative to the total area of
monitoring. Collecting data over a distributed spatial area and processing it
over long time periods will be needed.  To this end, we are applying self‑training
algorithms, employing advanced and innovative statistical analyses that process
the data provided by these tools to recognize long-term abnormal signatures
indicating leakage, capitalizing upon the sensitivity, continuous operation,
and affordable distribution of the TDLAS sensors.

             Our all-optical downhole fluids sensor (DFS) concept deploys sensor heads for measuring CO2 in gaseous or liquid/supercritical phases at reservoir
depth. The sensor head design will be sufficiently small and simple to be
integrated into wireline platforms, or deposited sacrificially on the outside
of well-bore casings, or deployed in  micro (~1? scale) boreholes.  The
envisioned sensor system would have sensor heads deployed in multiple wells
connected to a distributed measurement and monitoring network that spans the
entire sequestration basin.  It fulfills two
distinct roles: 1) monitoring the extent or progress of the injected CO2
plume in the reservoir; 2) detecting leakage past the cap rock, or, e.g., along
a suspected potential leakage path. These measurements will improve the
quantitative accuracy of reservoir fluid dynamics models, helping to specify
parameters such as plume spread rate, geologic heterogeneity factors, and total
saturation. The second mode represents a critical continuous monitor (alarm)
for protection of neighboring property and aquifers, thus protecting both the
public and the GCS operator. 


This paper has an Extended Abstract file available; you must purchase the conference proceedings to access it.


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