National Risk Assessment Partnership | AIChE

National Risk Assessment Partnership

The National Risk Assessment Partnership’s (NRAP) primary objective is to develop a science-based methodology and platform for quantifying risk at carbon storage sites, meant to help reduce risk- and liability-related barriers to full deployment of CO2 storage.  NRAP’s approach is to model the entire subsurface system, including reservoir, potential leakage paths (e.g., wells), and receptors (e.g., groundwater aquifers) with a group of reduced order models (ROMs).  This approach allows for a quantitative analysis of the uncertainty associated with leakage and induced seismicity risks associated with carbon storage.  For example, NRAP has been able to produce a quantitative risk profile for leakage likelihood over a thousand year period for certain storage sites. 

To this end, NRAP has generated a number of tools that have been used in these analyses and that will be useful to both operators and regulators as they create a dialog around carbon storage risk.  NRAP recently made several of these tools available to the CCS research community for beta testing and is demonstrating them during a series of webinars.  This presentation will showcase the NRAP tools that are currently being tested, as well some of the key findings generated by their use.


This paper has an Extended Abstract file available; you must purchase the conference proceedings to access it.


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