Synthetic Coal Cycle Technology™ : A Novel Carbon Utilization Technology | AIChE

Synthetic Coal Cycle Technology™ : A Novel Carbon Utilization Technology

This paper discusses Synthetic Coal Cycle Technology™ (synCCT™), a novel, patent pending,
energy conversion and storage technology that uses carbon dioxide (CO2) to make grid-scale renewable
energy dispatchable. synCCT uses renewable energy to dissociate CO2 into carbon, a renewable fuel
named Synthetic Coal™ or synC™, and oxygen. synC is oxidized to generate electricity and heat on
demand, producing CO2, which is captured and reused in the process.

Both synC and CO2 are feasibly and economically stored for long periods and/or transported long
distances by conventional technologies. The synCCT process is carbon neutral and sustainable. In
addition, synCCT has a number of advantages over competitive technologies, including:

  • No greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions
  • Simplified integration of grid-scale renewable electricity
  • Virtual transmission of renewable electricity without wires
  • Simplicity
  • No pollution or waste products
  • Minimal water use
  • Relative safety
  • Low toxicity
  • Minimal infrastructure development required
  • Potential use and repurposing of existing infrastructure

This paper discusses the rationale for synCCT, how it works and how it compares with competitive
technologies for producing renewable fuels from CO2.


This paper has an Extended Abstract file available; you must purchase the conference proceedings to access it.


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