Reducing CO2 Capture Cost By 30% Using Advanced KM CDR ProcessTM | AIChE

Reducing CO2 Capture Cost By 30% Using Advanced KM CDR ProcessTM


Kamijo, T. - Presenter, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd.
Upon completion of the world’s largest post-combustion CO2 capture plant – the Petra Nova Project – Mitsubishi Heavy Industries engineering (MHIEng) has demonstrated that commercial-scale CO2 capture for coal-fired power plant is technically feasible. Applying lessons learned from not only Petra Nova project but also other commercial plants, MHIEng has developed the Advanced KM CDR ProcessTM, providing superior performance with significantly lower capital cost. The cost reduction is a result of smaller flue gas quencher and CO2 absorber designs, reduced design redundancy, and modular design. These modifications can reduce the total EPC cost of the next CO2 capture and compression plant by nearly 30% compared to MHIEng’s conventional process. In addition, MHIEng is currently developing a new solvent (KS-21) which will further improve overall plant economics. KS-21 solvent is expected to be superior to MHIEng’s existing KS-1™ solvent in stability and lower volatility. The pilot plant test shows that KS-21 has 50% lower amine emissions than KS-1™ with comparable energy performance. With better thermal stability, it is expected that the new solvent can be operated at elevated regenerator temperature and pressure and thus reduce downstream CO2 compression work.