Dr. Xiaotao (Tony) Bi is a professor in the Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering at the University of British Columbia, and is a Fellow of Canadian Academy of Engineering. He has been an associate director of the Clean Energy Research Centre (www.cerc.ubc.ca), director of China-Canada Bioenergy Centre (c-cbc.center), and manager of the Fluidization Research Centre (www.frc.engineering.ubc.ca/). His current research has been focused on electrostatics of powders in fluidized beds and the development of fluidized bed reactors for biomass gasification, torrefaction and catalytic pyrolysis. He has published 350+ peer-reviewed papers, being cited 12200 times with an H-Index of 54. He was the recipient of a UBC Killam Senior Research Fellowship (2011), AIChE Particle Technology Forum Lectureship Award (2012), and Teaching Excellence Award of UBC Chemical and Biological Engineering Department (2014).