On Demand Conference Presentations | AIChE

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On Demand Conference Presentations

Assessing the Potential for Large-Scale Utilization of Fossil-Fuel Derived CO2

Conference Presentation
AIChE Annual Meeting
October 30, 2012
Barring the imposition of a carbon tax (or equivalent cap-and-trade program) and corresponding international agreements, it is highly unlikely that...

Post-Combustion Gas Permeation Carbon Capture System Models

Conference Presentation
AIChE Annual Meeting
October 30, 2012
Post-Combustion Gas Permeation Carbon Capture System Models Juan E. Morinelly, David C. Miller National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL) Gas...

Coupling Industrial Carbon Mineralisation and Ocean Alkalinity Enhancement

Conference Presentation
AIChE Annual Meeting
October 30, 2012
Coupling industrial carbon mineralisation and ocean alkalinity enhancement Introduction The ocean carbonate system has the potential to store ~10 2...

Assessing Anhydrous Tertiary Alkanolamines for Gas Purifications

Conference Presentation
AIChE Annual Meeting
October 30, 2012
Assessing Anhydrous Tertiary Alkanolamines for Gas Purifications Paul M. Mathias, Kash Afshar, Satish Reddy, Arnold R. Smith, Rubin J. McDougal Louis...

Insights From Glucose Pyrolysis for Cellulose Pyrolysis

Conference Presentation
AIChE Annual Meeting
October 30, 2012
Experimental and predicted kinetics of glucose, the monomer of cellulose, provides quantitative and qualitative insights into the pyrolysis of...

Kinetic Modeling of Syngas Production From Bio-Oil Gasification

Conference Presentation
AIChE Annual Meeting
October 30, 2012
Gasification of bio-oil is a desirable process to produce syngas as a renewable resource with no net greenhouse gas emissions. Bio-oil is a mixture...

NETL CO2 Injection and Storage Cost Model

Conference Presentation
AIChE Annual Meeting
October 30, 2012
The U.S. Department of Energy’s National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL) has developed a model to estimate the costs of storing captured CO 2 ...

Process Synthesis and Global Optimization of Biomass to Liquid Transportation Fuels (BTL) Systems

Conference Presentation
AIChE Annual Meeting
October 30, 2012
The transportation sector relies heavily on petroleum as a primary energy source, and currently faces challenges over high crude oil prices,...

Toward a Common Method of Cost Estimation for CO2 Capture and Storage At Fossil Fuel Power Plants

Conference Presentation
AIChE Annual Meeting
October 30, 2012
There are significant differences in the methods employed by various organizations to estimate the cost of carbon capture and storage (CCS) systems...

Novel Wave-Shaped MnO2 Cathode Supported by a Partially Porous Nickel Layer for Fuel Cell/Battery

Conference Presentation
AIChE Annual Meeting
October 29, 2012
Increasing global demand for green energy has boosted the development of various means of energy generation and storage. Both fuel cells and...

A Shell-and-Tube Direct Steam Generator for Concentrated Solar Power Generation

Conference Presentation
AIChE Annual Meeting
October 29, 2012
?Making Solar Energy Economical? is one of the Grand Challenges posed by the National Academy of Engineering. However, innovation in concentrating...

Nuclear Energy: Is there a future after Fukushima?

Conference Presentation
AIChE Annual Meeting
October 29, 2012
The future of the global nuclear energy industry, while certainly not without its challenges, remains vibrant. Even as the industry contends with...

Chemistry and Energy: Fortifying Our Historic Links

Conference Presentation
AIChE Annual Meeting
October 29, 2012
Centuries ago, early ideas were formulating that would advance the science of organic chemistry. Since its beginnings, there have been many organic...

An Overview of the Global Desalination Situation

Conference Presentation
AIChE Annual Meeting
October 29, 2012
According to the International Water Management Institute (IWMI), one in three people globally endures some form of water scarcity, one-quarter of...

Evaluation of Reverse Osmosis - Electrode-ionization Pilot Project in PT Badak NGL

Conference Presentation
AIChE Spring Meeting and Global Congress on Process Safety
April 4, 2012
PT Badak NGL utilizes groundwater for Plants and Community water consumption. Demineralization water production in PT Badak NGL uses ion exchange...
