Green Chemistry by Nano-Catalysis | AIChE

Green Chemistry by Nano-Catalysis


Polshettiwar, V. - Presenter, U. S. Environmental Protection Agency
Varma, R. S. - Presenter, U. S. Environmental Protection Agency

We envisioned a novel nano-catalyst system, which can bridge the homogenous and heterogeneous system, and simultaneously be cheaper, easily accessible (sustainable) and possibly does not require elaborate work-up. Because of its nano-size, i.e. high surface area, the contact between reactants and catalyst increases dramatically and essentially operate in the same manner as homogeneous catalysts. Concurrently,, due to their insolubility in the reaction solvent and paramagnetic nature, they can be separated out easily from the reaction mixture using an external magnet. Thus, these nano-materials have combined the advantage of both the system, and offered unique activity with high selectivity which will be highlighted.