Energy and Water Interactions: Implications for Industry within the European Context | AIChE

Energy and Water Interactions: Implications for Industry within the European Context

The constant increase of the world-wide demand for water and energy makes it necessary to make their use more efficient to contribute to the sustainable future. For supplying energy, so far mainly fossil fuels are used. The apparent link of energy and water supply increases the cost of delivery and, in many cases, causes shortages of all forms of energy and water. This paper reviews the main trends in the global flows of energy and water supply, identifies the inherent limitations and pays attention also to the concept of virtual water. The implications for industry and of some notable recent research efforts are also analysed and put in the context of the European Union developments and Europe’s need for resource security. Conclusions are drawn for the directions of possibly promising future research, development and societal activities.


This paper has an Extended Abstract file available; you must purchase the conference proceedings to access it.


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