The P-graph Framework as Design Tool for Sustainability in the Energy-Water-Food Nexus | AIChE

The P-graph Framework as Design Tool for Sustainability in the Energy-Water-Food Nexus

The P-graph or process graph framework is both a representation and a methodology is extremely useful as a design tool for any process that can be represented as network. P-graphs are directed bi-partite graphs that give an unambiguous representation of any. It is based on rigorous axioms and combinatorial analysis. The result is a maximal structure, solution structures, and an optimal structure of the network for the process of interest. All of these are feasible and meet design requirements. There is freely available software which automates much of the application of the p-graph methodology. The P-graph framework is most useful in the initial design phase of a process where the requirements, the feedstocks, the outputs, and the necessary process structure or network may not be precisely defined...


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