Rapid Fire Session | AIChE

Rapid Fire Session

Rapid Fire Session: Oral Poster Presentations We invite you to present your work in the oral session "Rapid Fire Poster Session" in addition to your participation in the Poster Session. In this session, participating Poster Authors have exactly 90 seconds to present one slide (no animations) to give a brief overview or teaser of their poster content. The Rapid Fire Poster Session will take place on Wednesday, May 27, 2015 at 5PM*, followed directly by the traditional Poster Session. If you intend to participate, please indicate your interest and send your slide (PPT or PDF) by email to Lucy Alexander (lucya@aiche.org). Don't forget to register for ICOSSE '15 at http://icosse.org/2015/registration. *Time of sessions is subject to change. Please take note of future updates.



Paper abstracts are public but to access Extended Abstracts, you must first purchase the conference proceedings.


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