Horizon Issues: On the Supply Chain | AIChE

Horizon Issues: On the Supply Chain


Torniainen, P. E., General Mills
Cotterman, R., Sealed Air Corporation

We are currently in the midst of a period of rapid changes in how packaging is sourced, used, perceived and regulated in a world population whose demand for goods ceases to slow down. What will the future bring in terms of the types of materials that are used for packaging, how will packaging and product interact to create more effective supply chains and what role will government play in facilitating change and setting future rules? This session will bring together several thought leaders to offer their views on the future of sustainable packaging over the next 5-10 years. They will examine the future by considering three key dimensions of the supply chain: packaging materials, the ecology of packaging life cycles and the role of government and self-regulation.



Paper abstracts are public but to access Extended Abstracts, you must first purchase the conference proceedings.


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