Opening Keynote - Andrew Speck , Packaging Buyer, Marks & Spencer
Sustainable Packaging Symposium (SPS)
2011 Sustainable Packaging Symposium
2011 Sustainable Packaging Symposium
Grand Ballroom F
Hyatt Regency Chicago
Thursday, March 17, 2011 - 8:15am to 9:00am
Marks & Spencer is a UK based retailer with a turnover of £9.3bn per year, selling clothing, homewares and food products both in the UK and through an expanding international presence. In 2007 M&S launched Plan A, a 100 commitment ethical and environmental programme, setting ambitious targets tackling important issues to drive a more sustainable business. With a commitment to reduce packaging by 25% by 2012 and improving the sustainability and recyclability of packaging materials, M&S quickly developed a leading position in corporate responsibility for packaging. What M&S has learned since the start of Plan A has really helped shape the next phase of commitments which truly push this leadership position further in developing plans which will deliver a sustainable future. Projects include optimising packaging for recyclability, increasing recycling services through kerb-side collections schemes and using metrics other than weight to inform decisions on what is the ‘right’ packaging formats to use. There is a long way to go on this journey, however with the combined global pressures of increasing population, decreasing energy resources and increases in atmospheric carbon dioxide levels, M&S is taking on these challenges and aim to become the most sustainable major retailer in the world, because there is no Plan B. Keynote speaker Andrew Speck offers an insider's report on Plan A, plus exclusive insights about Marks & Spencer, and their conviction that doing the right thing is good for business, as well.