Brand Owner and Retailer Perspectives on Sustainable Packaging | AIChE

Brand Owner and Retailer Perspectives on Sustainable Packaging

Key stakeholders on the packaging supply chain continue the heavy lifting of developing definitions and functional systems that further sustainable packaging. Often this work starts with the challenge of identifying those areas on the supply chain requiring close examination; deciding which tools to use for optimal outcomes; and implementing strategies for mitigating problems. Experts on this session will explain the key issues surrounding this work and also shed light on the realities at the brand owner and retail level. Are sustainable packaging decisions being made with a holistic viewpoint? Does the retail buyer know the fundamental questions they should be asking their suppliers about sustainable packaging? Presenters will describe the realities that exist in every stakeholder community on the supply chain – the successes and where gains are still needed. If you are a marketer, business manager, retail category manager or engineer, this session will offer relevant insights and case studies – from the most fundamental to the more complex. Also highlighted will be a special brief being released by the FMI entitled, “The Packaging Brief for Category Managers,” written especially for retail buyers.



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