ME16 Call for Abstracts Information | AIChE

ME16 Call for Abstracts Information

The ME16 Call for Abstracts is open!

CLOSED: Oral Presentation Deadline to Submit: Wednesday, February 12, 2025, 5:59 AM CET/Tuesday, February 11, 2025, 11:59 PM ET

Poster Presentation Deadline to Submit: Wednesday, April 2, 2025, 5:59 AM CET/Tuesday, April 1, 2025, 11:59 PM ET

  • Submit an Abstract
  • Apply for Funding Deadline: Tuesday, April 1, 2025
    • Thanks to support from the International Metabolic Engineering Society, the conference will be providing complimentary and/or steeply discounted registrations to students, post-docs and early career faculty (within the first 5 years of becoming a professor). Other support opportunities may be also available through government agencies and foundations. Please fill out the form to be considered for support.
  • Nominate a Colleague for an IMES Award Deadline: Saturday, February 1, 2025

Submitting Your Abstract

Please read through these steps and ensure you have everything you need before beginning your submission. 

  1. Review the instructions and rubric outlined in the CfA Webpage.
  2. Select either a General submission or Poster submission, you will be to the related submission workflow. 
  3. Log in to AIChE. You will be asked to log in using your AIChE website credentials. If you do not have a login associated with AIChE, you will have an opportunity to create a free guest account.
  4. Select your Session/Topic for your abstract submission. A list of sessions will be available when you select a general group to submit to. When you are ready to start your submission select your topic amd click the "Save and Continue" button.
  5. Submit your Abstract Title and presenter information. Abstract title may not exceed 150 characters.
  6. Enter Author and Co-Author Information for your abstract. This includes: Full Names, E-mail Address, Affiliation, & Affiliation City, State, and/or Country
  7. Upload your Abstract Text. Please note the abstract word limit is 400.
  8. Confirm Your Submission. You will still be able to edit your submission at any time before the Call for Abstracts closes by logging in via the Confex gateway.