Board approved January 2021
AIChE believes that all who wish to be a part of the chemical engineering community should have equal opportunity to pursue and achieve success. We work toward a better future for all —through our technical expertise; through how we inspire, engage, retain, and advance future talent; and through how we treat each other within and beyond the profession. Solutions to 21st century problems require innovation and creativity, which are accelerated through diverse teams and by ensuring that spaces are inclusive.
AIChE is committed to promoting a fair, just, and equitable profession and society. Groups that have faced discrimination continue to encounter challenges when entering into or participating in engineering and science professions. We encourage inclusion and intentional representation of people from diverse backgrounds and experiences because it is ethical and honorable, and it enhances the innovation and creativity necessary to find solutions to current and future challenges. We aim to eliminate disparities in treatment, racism, and any form of discrimination from our profession — recognizing that specialized strategies will be required for distinct groups, and that long-standing narratives will need to be combated. As members of our AIChE Community, we have an obligation to support and celebrate our advancement along an IDEAL path.
I (Inclusion) D (Diversity) E (Equity) A (Anti-Racism) L (Learning)
- We believe efforts to support and promote inclusion must narrow gaps and address root causes and manifestations of inequities.
- We hold forth a vision for a diverse profession in which discrimination and conscious bias are unwelcome and unacceptable and where unconscious bias is recognized and eliminated.
- AIChE will initiate and support proactive efforts to combat the influences of racism and bias as a key part of our equity, diversity and inclusion initiatives.
- We are committed to anti-racism and to understanding, addressing and mitigating the effects of racism within and beyond our profession through sharing of identified best practices.
- We believe that moving from understanding to action requires an openness and commitment to learning; through education we will build allyship.
To reach this IDEAL, AIChE is committed to creating, nurturing and expanding an inclusive, respectful and welcoming environment where people of all backgrounds and identities are valued and respected and can achieve their full potential, regardless of:
(i) race, ethnicity, or national origin; (ii) religious or spiritual practice, or absence thereof; (iii) sex, gender identity and expression, or sexual orientation; (iv) family or relationship structure; (v) any type of disability or perceived disability, past or present; (vi) age; (vii) any ascribed status or visible or invisible difference.
Through intersectionality and the awareness of shared difficulties, we can transcend our differences and achieve a better future for all.
One who is supporting an antiracist policy through their actions or expressing an anti-racist idea.
Source: “How to be an Antiracist” by: Ibram X. Kendi
Advocates for people from underrepresented or marginalized groups. An ally takes action to support people outside of their own group.
Source: Catalyst
Tendency of ordinary mental operations to a particular kind of thought or action that serve us quite well in most circumstances, but can fail our intentions and be subject to error.
Source: AIChE’s Unconscious Bias Workshop
Full spectrum of human demographic differences -- race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, age, socio-economic status or physical disability.
Source: AIChE’s Unconscious Bias Workshop
All people enjoy equal opportunities for education, employment, success, advancement, recognition, compensation, and satisfaction.
Source: AIChE’s Unconscious Bias Workshop
All individual’s thoughts, concerns and ideas are welcomed, respected, and encouraged.
Source: AIChE’s Unconscious Bias Workshop
The intertwining of social identities such as gender, race, ethnicity, social class, religion, sexual orientation, and/or gender identity, which can result in unique experiences, opportunities, and barriers.
Source: Catalyst
- the act or experience of one that learns a computer program that makes learning fun
- knowledge or skill acquired by instruction or study people of good education and considerable learning
- modification of a behavioral tendency by experience (such as exposure to conditioning)
Source: Merriam-Webster
One who is supporting a racist policy through their actions or inaction or expressing a racist idea.
Source: “How to be an Antiracist” by: Ibram X. Kendi
Unconscious Bias
Unintentional and unconscious use of stereotypic beliefs to perceive and evaluate an individual or group of people, which can also affect what we understand, our decisions, and our behavior toward others.
Source: AIChE’s Unconscious Bias Workshop
Social Media Messaging Toolkit
Download the social media messaging toolkit and images to help spread the word about AIChE's IDEAL path.