Turmeric as a Natural Indicator | AIChE

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Turmeric as a Natural Indicator

The objective of our module is to teach young and aspiring students about the concept of the natural indicator. Our project also gives the students a visualization of changing color using turmeric as a natural indicator. Through our experiment, we visually confirm the change in color using turmeric when we add acid and base. Our module has a full-fledged presentation explaining how and when color change occurs with a proper demonstration for the optimal understanding of the students.

Basic knowledge of indicators helps students understand much broader concepts like pH balance, chemical indicators, more acids, bases, etc. This will also develop thinking among students about how color change occurs when we use indicators. Currently, in the lab, we don’t use natural indicators but it helps us students about building basic concepts on indicators.

Module details
TopicsPhysical Chemistry
Best-suited audienceArray
Approx. time requirement2 minutes
Approx. # of volunteers4
Recommended audience sizeAny size