Liquid–Liquid Microfluidic Flows for Ultrafast 5-Hydroxymethyl Furfural Extraction | AIChE

Liquid–Liquid Microfluidic Flows for Ultrafast 5-Hydroxymethyl Furfural Extraction

TitleLiquid–Liquid Microfluidic Flows for Ultrafast 5-Hydroxymethyl Furfural Extraction
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2021
AuthorsChen, T-Y, Desir, P, Bracconi, M, Saha, B, Maestri, M, Vlachos, DG
JournalIndustrial & Engineering Chemistry Research
Date Publishedfeb

We study the effects of liquid–liquid flow patterns on the extraction of 5-hydroxymethyl furfural from the aqueous phase into an organic phase (methyl isobutyl ketone, ethyl acetate, and 2-pentanol) at ultrashort residence times of 0.2–20 s in a coiled capillary microchannel. Slug, droplet, slug-droplet, dispersed, parallel, annular, and irregular two-phase flow patterns are generated. We evaluate the extraction efficiency and the volumetric mass transfer coefficient via experiments and computational fluid dynamics (CFD). The CFD predictions are in quantitative agreement with the experimental data. The convective and diffusive contributions to the mass transfer of different flow patterns are analyzed. For all solvent pairs, the extraction efficiency varies irregularly with increasing flow rate due to changes in the mass transfer mechanism caused by a transition between flow regimes. Overall, we demonstrate >90% extraction efficiencies with high volumetric mass transfer coefficients ranging from 0.006 to 2.17 s–1. Furthermore, a merit index is defined to assess the trade-off between the fast mass transfer and the pressure drop in biphasic microchannels. In general, the mass transfer rate increases significantly at high flow rates at the expense of a high-pressure drop. The ethyl acetate/water irregular flow pattern is optimal due to a large throughput, extraction efficiency, and mass transfer coefficient, with a minimal pressure drop.
