Microwave Plasma-Enhanced and Microwave Heated Chemical Reactions | AIChE

Microwave Plasma-Enhanced and Microwave Heated Chemical Reactions

TitleMicrowave Plasma-Enhanced and Microwave Heated Chemical Reactions
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2019
AuthorsTiwari, S, Caiola, A, Bai, X, Lalsare, A, Hu, J
JournalPlasma Chemistry and Plasma Processing
Date Publishedoct
Keywords6.7, Catalysis, Microwave discharges, Natural Gas Upgrading, Nonthermal plasma, Project 6.7, Reaction mechanism

Microwave plasma technology is revolutionizing reaction engineering fields such as methane dry reforming, chemical synthesis, biomass conversion, and waste treatment. Microwave generated plasma offers sustainable, cleaner and efficient operations compared to conventional methods. Microwave plasma reactions are more efficient when integrated with catalysts. In this article, a thorough categorization and comparison of microwave plasma-assisted catalytic reactions are presented, while highlighting their contribution to an energy efficient and sustainable future in chemical processing. An introduction on commercial applications of microwave plasma technology is also presented to emphasize its advantages in modern industries. Microwave irradiation can be used as a source of heat or plasma. The addition of heterogeneous catalyst to either microwave heated or microwave enhanced plasma systems can lead to complex pathways in reaction systems. A final section in this article is dedicated to comprehend this complexity in chemical reactions occurring in microwave heated and microwave plasma-enhanced catalytic systems.
