Modeling salt adsorption in electrical double layer for capacitive deionization | AIChE

Modeling salt adsorption in electrical double layer for capacitive deionization

TitleModeling salt adsorption in electrical double layer for capacitive deionization
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2023
AuthorsLin, Y-J, Chen, C-C
JournalAIChE Journal
Keywords2.7, Desalination, electrochemical process, Thermodynamic modeling

This work presents an electrical double layer (EDL) model for capacitive deionization (CDI) by intercorrelating the salt adsorption, the electrode voltage, and the surface charge density. The counterion condensation is considered a crucial contribution to salt adsorption because of the high surface charge density in the charged micropores. The counterions condense when the surface charge density exceeds a critical value, which is predicted by the counterion condensation theory. The EDL model accurately correlates the NaCl salt adsorption and electrode voltage with various surface charge densities and well predicts the salt adsorption in a wide range of external salt concentrations. The EDL model reproduces the non-monotonic relationship between the salt adsorption and the specific surface area observed in experiments and provides an explanation from the modeling perspective. Exhibiting superior accuracy and predictability for salt adsorption, the EDL model could serve as an enabling tool contributing to the development of CDI processes.
