Multiscale modeling of microwave-heated multiphase systems | AIChE

Multiscale modeling of microwave-heated multiphase systems

TitleMultiscale modeling of microwave-heated multiphase systems
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2020
AuthorsGoyal, H, Vlachos, DG
JournalChemical Engineering Journal
Date Publishedoct
Keywords8.3, Intensified Process Fundamentals, Microwave heating, Multiphase reactors, Multiscale modeling, Numerical homogenization, Project 8.3

Modeling of microwave heating of multiphase systems requires resolving the electromagnetic field from the single particle to the entire cavity. We introduce a multiscale methodology for computationally affordable simulations of microwave heating of multiphase systems consisting of one phase dispersed in a continuum phase. The methodology homogenizes the original multiphase system, by taking advantage of the large separation of length scales, to calculate the effective permittivity, effective thermal conductivity, and volumetric power absorbed in each phase. The methodology is rigorously assessed against particle-resolved detailed numerical simulations of model systems. We demonstrate a significant reduction in computational cost while retaining the accuracy of detailed simulations. The present methodology enables high throughput exploration of novel multiphase system designs utilizing microwave heating.
