AIChE Academy Partners with University of Houston on Virtual Hydrogen Economy Training | AIChE

AIChE Academy Partners with University of Houston on Virtual Hydrogen Economy Training

July 22, 2024

The AIChE Academy is collaborating with experts from the University of Houston’s UH Energy to host a series of online training sessions that will introduce AIChE members to concepts that will be useful as they adapt to the technologies and approaches pertinent to the emerging hydrogen economy. Organizers of the Hydrogen Economy Program — including representatives from AIChE’s Center for Hydrogen Safety — are designing the content to help stakeholders to build both confidence and competence throughout the entire hydrogen supply chain.

Registration is open until August 1 for the fall 2024 Hydrogen Economy cohort, which runs from August 19 until November 13. The program offers a flexible learning experience that combines real-time (synchronous) with self-paced (asynchronous) elements. Synchronous sessions are weekly one-hour Zoom meetings on Monday evenings at 7:00 PM Eastern, and will deliver updates, guidance, and Q&A opportunities. Asynchronous components will include e-learning modules with recorded lectures, notes, pre-read documents, and quizzes to be completed between Zoom sessions.

The interdisciplinary sessions will cover a wide range of topics, ranging from various hydrogen production methods to transportation options and end uses. A capstone project at the end of the program will help participants to consolidate learnings and build confidence as they prepare to apply program concepts in real-world applications.

According to Rukyah Hennessey, Director of Education and Workforce Development at AIChE, the University of Houston makes an ideal partner “because UH Energy already has a comprehensive curriculum focused on the hydrogen economy. Combining this with AIChE Academy’s extensive audience of professionals and students in the chemicals and energy industries creates a powerful synergy.” Hennessey adds that the partnership leverages the strengths of both AIChE and UH, and will provide participants with a robust educational experience that addresses current and future needs of the hydrogen economy.

The Hydrogen Economy Program is designed for two distinct groups. For those already in the energy industry, and experiencing ongoing, significant changes, the sessions will provide new information, insights, and skills to manage the new demands of the Energy Transition. For those who are preparing for a career in energy, the program offers a unique perspective and skillset, giving participants a competitive advantage as they enter the energy marketplace.

To participate in fall 2024, complete the eligibility form and register by August 1. For those seeking additional information, an orientation webinar is available online.