My research background is in the field of water and wastewater remediation technologies and solid waste management. My current research focuses on application of biomaterials (e.g. cellulose and biochar) for (waste)water treatment, synthesis and use of nanocomposites and nanophotocatalysts in water pollution abatement and application of microalgae in wastewater treatment, resource recovery and bioenergy production.
So far, I have published >170 research / review articles in peer-reviewed journals (SCI/SCIE). My current H-index is 53 (Google Scholar) with over 12,500 citations. I have authored five book chapters in the books published by IWA, Elsevier, John-Wiley, Springer, and Bentham publishers. I have also edited an e-book entitled: Application of Adsorbents for Water Pollution Control, published by Bentham Publishers.
I obtained my Ph.D. degree in chemistry from the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Roorkee, India, in 2003. I have conducted postdoc research in various international universities/institutes such as Linnaeus University, Sweden; University of Porto, Portugal; Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH), Germany; University of Kuopio, Finland; Yonsei University, South Korea; Swiss Federal Institute of Environmental Science and Technology (EAWAG), Switzerland; Central Building Research Institute (CBRI)/CSIR, India. I am the recipient of reputed international fellowships including Center of Excellence in Analytical Chemistry (CEAC) World Laboratory Wilhelm Simon Fellowship (Switzerland); Brain Korea-21 (BK-21) (South Korea); Marie-Curie More Experienced Researcher Award (Finland); Erasmus Mundus visiting fellowship (Germany); and Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) fellowship (Portugal).