Invited Talk: Designing Multifunctional Processes to Direct the Synthesis of Clean Energy Carriers with Inherent CO2 Capture and Conversion from Heterogeneous Carbonaceous Feedstocks | AIChE

Invited Talk: Designing Multifunctional Processes to Direct the Synthesis of Clean Energy Carriers with Inherent CO2 Capture and Conversion from Heterogeneous Carbonaceous Feedstocks


Gadikota, G. - Presenter, Cornell University
Yin, T., Cornell University
Gao, X., Cornell University
Rising need to treat carbonaceous food waste in the urban environment calls for advancing the science of multifunctional processes to direct the synthesis of clean energy carriers such as H2 with inherent carbon removal. One such process involves combining gasification of these carbonaceous feedstocks with the water gas shift reaction to produce a clean energy carrier such as H2 and CO2. The reactive separation of CO2 from H2 is achieved by using earth abundant sorbents being calcium or magnesium to produce water insoluble calcium or magnesium carbonate, also known as carbon mineralization. Integrating these reactions directly with the water gas shift reaction has been shown to be thermodynamically favorable. Further, the presence of water kinetically favors these reactions. In this study, we discuss pathways to aid the reactive separation of CO2 and direct the synthesis of H2.