Plenary Talk: A Global Crisis - Beyond The Brink | AIChE

Plenary Talk: A Global Crisis - Beyond The Brink


Thebaut, J. - Presenter, Chronicles Group
The U.S. National Intelligence Council's and other authoritative voices predict a dangerous future for the world, including unprecedented consequences of warming temperatures, explosive population growth, massive water and food shortages, global pollution, widespread human migration, armed conflict involving national and subnational groups, and the mounting threat of nuclear war. Human civilization is at a crossroads to survive; and the challenge is to establish world-wide educational initiative that will energize citizens to take positive action. Chronicles Group, Inc., a 501 (c)(3) corporation, proposes to create a 13-part, 30-minute episodic television series and a theatrical documentary feature that will first, place a spotlight on the evolving global crisis, and second, highlight immediate solutions for the growing food, energy and water humanitarian crises. In order to maintain the highest journalistic integrity, the Chronicles Group will conduct on-camera interviews with distinguished scientists, experts, and solutions-focused stakeholders. The production will be designed to be entertaining, compelling, provocative, and accurate. The 2017 Nobel Peace Prize recipient Ira Helfand stated in a recent article that America confronts a long list of critical problems that all require urgent attention. Among them, two drivers of global climate disruption stand out. Fossil-fuel use and nuclear war are unique in the threat they pose to global climate, and thus to the very survival of human civilization. In recent remarks UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres' called climate change the defining issue of our time, with now being a defining moment...complete abstract in program book.


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