Toward Creating an Environment of Cooperation between Water, Energy,and Food Stakeholders in San Antonio | AIChE

Toward Creating an Environment of Cooperation between Water, Energy,and Food Stakeholders in San Antonio


Daher, B. - Presenter, Texas A&M University
Mohtar, R., American University of Beirut
Portney, K., The Bush School of Government and Public Service, Texas A&M University
Hannibal, B., Texas A&M University
The San Antonio Region is home to a rapidly growing population with developing energy and agricultural sectors competing for water, land, and financial resources. Despite the tight interconnectedness between water, energy, and food challenges, little is known about the levels of communication and coordination among the various officials responsible for making the decisions that affect the management and planning of the three resource systems. It has been postulated that efficient communication is a prerequisite to developing resource allocation strategies that avoid potential unintended negative consequences that could result from inefficient allocation of natural resources and competing demands. Factors that may impact communication are identified and their potential roles are considered in improving existing levels of communication between San Antonio's water officials and those at other energy, food, and water institutions in the San Antonio Region. A questionnaire designed to gather information on stakeholder concerns, frequency of communication, and participation in engagement forums was sent to public water officials in the Region. Using social network analysis and bivariate Ordinary Least Square regression analysis, the authors conclude that while modest levels of communication exist among water institutions, a very low level of communication exists between water institutions and those responsible for food and energy. Improving this level of communication could be partly be achieved through investing in cross-institutional mechanisms which promote higher levels of cooperation, and that work toward improving the compatibility of differing planning horizons, and common goal setting activities across sectors.