Technical Program | AIChE

Technical Program



Thursday, December 05, 2019
8:00 AM 9:00 AM Registration
9:00 AM 9:15 AM Opening Ceremony - Babak D. Beheshti, Ph.D., Dean, College of Engineering and Computing Sciences, New York Institute of Technology
9:15 AM 10:00 AM Plenary Talk I: John Lee, Deputy Director for Green Buildings and Energy Efficiency, NYC Mayor's Office of Sustainability: OneNYC 2050.
10:00 AM 10:15 AM Coffee Break
10:15 AM 11:45 AM Panel I: City-as-lab INFEW RCN: Research Gaps, Current Models and Tools Available for the Stakeholders (Moderator: Masoud Ghandehari)
    590382: Weslynne Ashton, Illinois Institute of Technology Stuart School of Business, USA: Building transdisciplinary, multi-stakeholder partnerships to facilitate transitions to equitable and sustainable urban food systems
    590387: Yimin Zhu, Louisiana State University, USA: The Virtual Information Fabric Infrastructure (VIFI): Application Cases for Building Performance Simulations
    589295: Ursula Eicker, Concordia University, Canada: Evaluating the Food-Energy-Water Nexus in an Urban District
    590399: Bassel Daher, Texas A&M University, USA: Lessons Learned: Creating an interdisciplinary team to address a WEF nexus hotspot in San Antonio, Texas
    590402: Michael Flaxman, Geodesign Technologies, USA: Natural Language Processing and Spatiotemporal Visualization for Wildfire Event Reconstruction
    590771: Ahmed Mohamed, The City College of New York, USA: On the Role of Energy Storage in Future Energy Networks
11:45 AM 12:30 PM Invited Talk: Dr. Rajesh Mehta, National Science Foundation, USA: Catalyzing Commercialization & Societal Impact at NSF
12:30 PM 1:30 PM Lunch
1:30 PM 2:20 PM Keynote Talks
1:30 PM 1:55 PM Keynote Talk: Dale Keairns, Deloitte, USA: Responding to the Food-Energy-Water Nexus Challenge
1:55 PM 2:20 PM Keynote Talk: Serpil Guran, Rutgers EcoComplex, USA: FOOD-Energy-Water and Waste Nexus in Achieving Sustainable Circular Urbandevelopment (SCUD)
2:20 PM 3:10 PM Lightning Round I
    588230: Joe Bozeman, Institute for Environmental Science and Policy, University of Illinois at Chicago, USA: A Study on Food, Energy, and Water Impacts of the Average American Diet By Demographic Group
    588110: Catherine Cho, New York Institute of Technology, USA: Is Organic Still Sustainable? an Investigation of Consumer Perceptions of Food Production Sustainability
    588361: Raghul Elangovan, New York Institute of Technology, USA: A Case Study of Dietary Pattern Change Impact on Carbon Footprint
    588379: Jatin Jain, New York Institute of Technology, USA: Land Use Analysis of Food Production Potentials to Feed a Growing Population
    588331: Justinus A. Satrio, Villanova University, USA: Utilizing Urban Organic Wastes Via Hydrothermal Carbonization Process for Energy Production
    588394: Stephan Brown, New York Institute of Technology, USA: Machine Learning Approach to Examine the Relationship between Residential Energy and Water Consumption with Greenhouse Gas Emissions in NYC
    587239: Lucy Mar Camacho, Texas A&M University-Kingsville, USA: Simultaneous Ammonia-Phosphate Recovery from Wastewater As Struvite Fertilizer for Food Quality
    588905: Hassnain Asgar, Cornell University, USA: CO2-Responsive Tunable Phase Changing Nano-Scale Fluids for Subsurface Energy Recovery
    588210: Muhammad Danish, University of Engineering and Technology, Lahore, Pakistan: Upcoming Scenarios and Developing Trends in the Generation of Energy in Pakistan: Forecasting Supply and Demand
3:10 PM 3:30 PM Coffee Break
3:30 PM 5:00 PM RAPID Manufacturing Institute Problem-Discovery Brainstorming Session
    Keynote Speaker: Bill Grieco, CEO, RAPID, USA
5:00 PM 6:00 PM Poster Session & Welcome Reception
Venue: The lounge at 26 W61st
Friday, December 06, 2019
8:30 AM 9:00 AM Registration
9:00 AM 9:45 AM Plenary Talk II: Jim Thebaut, Chronicles Group, Inc., USA: A Global Crisis - Beyond The Brink
9:45 AM 10:00 AM Coffee Break
10:00 AM 12:10 PM Technical Session 1 - FEW Case Study and Decision Making Tools
10:00 AM 10:24 AM Keynote Talk: Alissa Park, Columbia University, USA: BioEnergy with Carbon Capture and Storage (BECCS): H2 production from food wastes with suppressed COx formation
10:24 AM 10:31 AM 584128: Bruce Taylor, Enviro-Stewards Inc., Canada: How 50 Food & Beverage Manufacturing Facilities Improved Profitability By Reducing Food Loss
10:31 AM 10:48 AM 588015: Bassel Daher, Texas A&M University, USA: Toward Creating an Environment of Cooperation between Water, Energy,and Food Stakeholders in San Antonio
10:48 AM 11:05 AM 588288: Ryan S.D. Calder, Duke University, USA: Integrated Modeling of Food-Energy-Water Systems: Challenges and Opportunities of Quantitative Graphical Networks
11:05 AM 11:22 AM 588370: Tasnuva Mahjabin, The Pennsylvania State University, USA: Investigating the Food-Energy-Water Nexus through Embedded Resource Accounting
11:22 AM 11:39 AM 589005: Ashwin Dhanasekar, The Water Research Foundation, USA: Wrf's Transition from Water-Energy Nexus to the Food-Energy-Water Nexus
11:39 AM 11:56 AM 584040: Jennifer Daw and Sherry Stout, NREL, USA: The Intersection of Urban and Rural Communities: Building Resilience through the Food Energy Water Nexus
11:56 AM 12:10 PM Q&A
12:10 PM 1:00 PM Lunch (on your own)
1:00 PM 2:20 PM Technical Session 2 - Food Waste
1:00 PM 1:24 PM Keynote Speaker: Julia Valla, University of Connecticut: Food Waste As a Sustainable Resource for the Production of Carbons for Purification and Catalytic Processes
1:24 PM 1:42 PM 584397: Ava Richardson, Baltimore City Government, USA: Topic: Food Waste in K-12 Schoolstitle: Food Waste Prevention and Reduction Pilot in Baltimore City Schools: Food Matters - for Students, Faculty and Staff
1:42 PM 2:00 PM 584413: Sara Elnakib, Rutgers Cooperative Extension, USA: Food, Energy & Water: The Impact of a Food Waste Reduction Training Program for Food Service Workers in an Urban School District
2:00 PM 2:18 PM 590269: Jack Starr, Cargill, USA: Focus on Food, Farming and Climate Change
2:18 PM 2:20 PM Q&A
2:20 PM 2:55 PM Lightning Round II
588117: Linhan Su, NYIT, New York Institute of Technology, New York Institue of Technology, USA: The IMPACT of the Locally-Sourced FOOD Versus the MASS-Produced FOOD on Consumer Perceptions of Farm-to-Table and Carbon Footprint
    588377: Paniz Mohammadpour, Pennsylvania State University, USA: From National Indices to Regional Action-an Analysis of Food, Energy, Water Security in Ecuador, Bolivia, and Peru
    587865: Diana Rodriguez Alberto, RIT, USA: Treating Waste with Waste: Using Biochar to Recover Nutrients from AD Effluent
    588114: Wenxiang Wu, New York Institute of Technology, USA: To Meat or to Plant-Based Meat: The Impact of Consumer Resistance of Substitute Animal-Based Meat with Plant-Based Meat
    588723: Raghul Elangovan, New York Institute of Technology, City College of the City University of New York, USA: Impact of Electrifying Urban Food Delivery Trucks on the Environment and the Power Grid
    Heather LeClerc, Worcester Polytechnic Institute: Food Waste to Energy: Leveraging Catalytic Hydrothermal Liquefaction
2:55 PM 3:10 PM Coffee Break
3:10 PM 5:20 PM Technical Session 3 - Biogas and Infrastructure
3:10 PM 3:34 PM Keynote Speaker: Nada Anid, New York Institute of Technology, USA
3:34 PM 3:54 PM Invited Talk: Greeshma Gadikota, Cornell University, USA: Designing Multifunctional Processes to Direct the Synthesis of Clean Energy Carriers with Inherent CO2Capture and Conversion from Heterogeneous Carbonaceous Feedstocks
3:54 PM 4:11 PM 589349: Sarah J Wolfson, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, USA: Anaerobic Wastewater and Environmental Microbial Communities Readily Demethylate Methoxy Aromatic PPCPs
4:11 PM 4:28 PM 584427: Emily A. Beagle, UT Austin, USA: An Analytical Framework for Assessing Biogas Potential from Consumer Food Waste in US Cities
4:28 PM 4:45 PM 584428: Styliani Avraamidou, Texas A&M University, USA: Infrastructure Expansion Planning Under Food-Energy-Water Nexus Considerations
4:45 PM 5:02 PM 584280: Jennifer Daw, NREL, USA: Transforming Wastewater Systems As Community Resource
5:02 PM 5:19 PM 584425: Yael R. Glazer, UT Austin, USA: Employing Decision Analysis to Evaluate Nontraditional Management Pathways for Produced Water from Oil and Gas Extraction
5:19 PM 5:20 PM Q&A
5:20 PM 5:30 PM Closing Remarks


Poster Presentations:

588302: Todd Davidson, United States Military Academy, USA: Meal-Kit Delivery: The Trade-Offs of Food Waste and Energy Consumption
586641: Vishwas Gupta, Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Petroleum Technology, India: Carbon Dioxide Solubilities in Decanoic Acid-Based Hydrophobicdeep Eutectic Solvents
588104: Nkulu Mkhonto, NYIT, USA: Do Americans Have a Misguided Interpretation of American Raised Food
588239: Fanxin Meng, Yale University, USA: Understanding and Conceptualizing How Urban Green Blue Infrastructure Affects the Food, Water, and Energy Nexus: A Synthesis of the Literature
584442: Ciny Natalia Peñaranda Palacios and Laura Daniela Pinzón Bustamante, EAN. university, EAN University, Colombia: Alternative Approach to the Design of Toilets for Optimal Water Consumption
583554: Corey Rossen, Ecoverse, USA: Food Waste Separation & Depackaging:Capturing Organic Residuals for Nutrient Repurposing, Compost and/or Renewable Energy
586635: Nehil Shreyash, Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Petroleum Technology, India: Carbon Capture Using Industrial Hydroxides for EOR- Opportunities,Challenges and the Way Ahead
588352: Yuheng Cai, New York Institute of Technology, USA: Chinese Food in China Vs. Chinese Food in America: Chinese and American Perceptions of Healthiness
586505: Ronald Ssebadduka, Kyushu University, Japan: An Analysis of the Possible Financial Savings of a Carbon Capture Process through Carbon Dioxide Absorption and Geological Dumping
586636: Saurabh Kr Tiwary, Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Petroleum Technology, India: Mitigating Polymer Absorption in Porous Silica Formations with Surfactants & Silicananofluids: A Viscosity, Temperature and Rheology Study Investigation
589012: Muhanad Omar, University Of Khartoum, United Arab Emirates: "Chromash":Adsorping Challenges, Desorping Sustainability
589057: ANA M Rosso-Ceron, UNIVERSIDAD INDUSTRIAL DE SANTANDER, Colombia: Soft Computing Tool for Aiding the Integration of Renewable Energy Systems in Isolated Areas of Colombia
589944: Sven Karlović, Faculty of Food Technology and Biotechnology, Zagreb, Croatia: Utilizing Novel Technologies for Extraction of Bioactive Compounds from Mandarine Juice Production Waste . S. Karlović, T. Bosiljkov, F. Dujmić, M. Brnčić, M. Marelja, M. Škegro, and D. Ježek
590764: Rushikesh Padsala, University of Applied Sciences - HfT Stuttgart, Geomatics, Surveying and Computer Science, Germany: GIS-Based Assessment of Regional Biomass Potentials for Heat and Power Generation at the Example of Ludwigsburg County, Germany . R. Padsala, K. Bao, C. Kesnar, V. Coors, and B. Schröter
589618: Julie Cook: Texas A&M University, USA: Optimal Allocation of Renewable Energy Generation and Storage Systems