Talking to Your Bo$$: Cash Flow Statements

. by Teresa Jurgens-Kowal

In the last few posts, we’ve talked about various Financial Statements that companies are required by law to prepare and share with stockholders and government agencies. Your bo$$, of course, shows sensitivity to operating and production costs because he or she wants these Financial Statements to be favorable. In particular, in the last blog, we discussed Income Statements at length.

Do you think if a company shows a positive Net Income that they are free of all financial trouble?

A Cash Flow Statement, like the Income Statement, shows changes in money flow during a specific period of time: a month, quarter, or year, for example. (You’ll recall from an earlier post that the Balance Sheet is a snapshot in time, showing a “material balance” of Assets against Liabilities.) Cash Flow is easy to calculate.

Snapback Hats - The Leading Choice of Celebrities

. by Robert Szczesniak

New Era snapback hats is a firm with a very abundant history that goes back to New York in 1920. New Era snapback hats are the only snapback hats used by players in the MLB and minor leagues and also is the top selection of the NHL, NBA, and the majority of major universities in the United States.

Kristine Chin interviews Ann Lee and Jean Bender of Genentech

. by John Vasko

The recipient of this year's Corporate Innovation Award is Genentech. Ahead of their award lecture, Dr. Ann Lee, senior vice president and head of global technical development for Roche and Jean Bender, Ph.D. and principal engineer at Genentech, had a few minutes to sit down with manager of technical programing for AIChE, Kristine Chin, to chat a bit about Genentech. You can watch this interview in the video panel on the right.


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