ST1 safety enclosure

The ST1 safety enclosure range is a containment system that has been designed to protect the analyst during the weighing process. The system has been performance-tested for the weighing of active drug compounds. The range has a chemical-resistant marble base that provides stability, and is available with an a1-safetech safe change local extraction and filtration system. Alternatively, it can connect directly to an in-house extraction or independent fan filtration. Each unit includes a dual-point, datalogging alarm that ensures operator safety.

SteriMax system

The SteriMax system for sterilizing loops, needles and instruments is suitable for use in laboratories and safety cabinets where gases and open flames are not permitted or are unavailable. The tube into which the items to be sterilized are inserted is made of wear-resistant quartz glass, and reaches its optimal temperature of 1,650°F after only a few minutes. Sterilization requires only insertion into the quartz tube and the passage of 5–7 s. The system’s 100% stainless steel design allows it to withstand extreme laboratory conditions.

Earth-Rite PLUS grounding indicator system

The Earth-Rite PLUS grounding indicator system provides a fail-safe assurance of a low-resistance path to ground for static electricity dissipation during the transfer of flammable liquids or powders to or from tanker trucks, railcars, drums, containers, or virtually any other conductive equipment. Its features now include an optional heavy-duty stainless-steel ground clamp, a retractable coiled grounding and monitoring cable, and a quick-connect design for fast field replacement of the clamp or cable.

MultiPhase BioSystem

The MultiPhase BioSystem is capable of controlling volatile organic compound (VOC) emissions from virtually all sources. A practical alternative to thermal oxidizers, in-bed biofiltration systems, and aerobic digestion, it combines characteristics of an in-bed bioscrubber and aerobic digestion with the high removal efficiency of micron-scale mist scrubbing. It treats high inlet concentrations of VOC emissions, including such alcohols as methanol and other high-vapor-pressure compounds, as well as more difficult turpenes and pinenes.

m-ColiBlue24 broth

The m-ColiBlue24 broth simultaneously detects and identifies both total coliforms and Escherichia coli (E. coli). Complete enumeration is accomplished within 24 h, requiring neither a confirmation step nor fluorescent lamps. Visual interpretation of results is easy, with E. coli colonies appearing as blue and other coliforms as red. This direct enumeration is more accurate and precise than such statistical-based tests as multiple-tube fermentation (MTF) and most-probable number (MPN). This broth method of detection has been approved by the U.S.

Emergency Spill Kits

These all-in-one, professional-grade emergency spill kits are designed to clean up hazardous spills in manufacturing facilities. Each kit contains absorbent pads, pillows, universal snakes, booms, protective gloves, oil-resistant high-temperature disposal bags, emergency response instructions and a 5-gal pail of the cleaning/degreasing agent. Kits are available in both 65-gal and 95-gal overpacks.

Model 602 sludge depth meter

The Model 602 sludge depth meter automates sludge level detection and features analog, digital and relay outputs. Automatic desludging yields thicker sludge than processes using timers and/or manual methods, and reduces sludge disposal or processing costs. Plants that are not staffed 24 h/d, 7 d/wk rely on automatic desludging to maintain proper sludge-blanket levels. This 602 Series can be used as a stand-alone system to alarm or automatically control a pump, or it can function as an intelligent sensor for a programmable logic controller (PLC) or computer.

SDB downdraft-bench dust collector

Designed for applications where workers need an integrated collection area and work surface, the SDB downdraft-bench dust collector features a powerful downdraft velocity of 100 ft/m and air volumes up to 2,500 ft3/m. The SDB captures smoke, dust and powders that result from manufacturing operations including grinding and polishing. By drawing particles and contaminants away from the worker’s breathing zone, the SDB protects employees and helps manufacturers to comply with OSHA regulations. The SDB has an 80-in. by 55-in.

T-Tubes stainless steel tube insulation

Suitable for clean processing environments, T-Tubes stainless steel tube insulation provides critical protection for personnel working around hot processing lines in the biotechnology, semiconductor, pharmaceutical, chemical, cosmetics and food and beverage industries. Made from ZOTEK F closed cell foams and based on Kynar polyvinylidene fluoride, T-Tubes are molded to fit industry standard tubes and fittings.

Dust Collection System

These heavy-duty dust collection systems can be custom-engineered according to process material characteristics and specific site requirements. They feature heavy-duty, high-stiffness construction that prevent housing failures, which ensures long operating life. Automated pulse jet self-cleaning of filters maintains system pressure. Using no internal moving parts, the collection system uses compressed air in 90–100 psi pulses to perform efficient pulse-jet cleaning of bag filters. Walk-in plenums enable easy installation and removal of snap-in filter bags.


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