On the melt pool dynamic of voxel-controlled metal matrix composites via hybrid additive manufacturing: Laser powder bed fusion and ink-jetting | AIChE

On the melt pool dynamic of voxel-controlled metal matrix composites via hybrid additive manufacturing: Laser powder bed fusion and ink-jetting

TitleOn the melt pool dynamic of voxel-controlled metal matrix composites via hybrid additive manufacturing: Laser powder bed fusion and ink-jetting
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2023
AuthorsGhayoor, M, Sadeghi, O, Cox, B, Gess, J, Pasebani, S
JournalJournal of Manufacturing Processes
Date Publishedmar

In this study, the effect of the addition of reinforcement nanoparticles to the 316L matrix by adopting ex-situ and in-situ method (drop on demand jetting) to produce 316L/Al2O3 nanocomposite was investigated. In the ex-situ method, the Al2O3 nanoparticles (NPs) were lightly mixed with 316L powder and processed by laser powder bed fusion. In the in-situ method, an ethanol-based ink containing Al13 nanoclusters (NCs) was added to 316L powder and then processed by laser. Both ex-situ and in-situ method produced nanocomposites with Al-Si-Mn-O-enriched precipitations within the 316L matrix. The addition of NPs/NCs to the 316L matrix, altered the geometrical characteristic of the single-track melt pools. At the same laser power, with increasing the amount of Al2O3 NPs and Al13 NCs the melt pool deepened due to reduced thermal conductivity and prolonged liquid presence. As a result, 316L/1 wt% Al13 NCs deposited single track showed larger grains in comparison to 316L single track. At a high laser power of 150 W, the Marangoni flow and the buoyancy force caused the nanoparticles to agglomerate and float to the top surface of tracks; therefore, the wt% fraction of precipitation was drastically reduced due to the loss of Al. The 316L/Al2O3 NPs and 316L/Al13 NCs exhibited the microhardness of 285 ± 13 HV and 293 ± 7 HV, respectively, higher than the deposited 316L single track, 265 ± 15 HV. Lastly, a hybrid LPBF+ink-jet printer was adopted to selectively change the composition of different zones by adding Al13 NCs ink to 316L and producing a voxel-controlled metal matrix composite.
