Title | Optimization-based modeling and analysis of brine reflux osmotically assisted reverse osmosis for application toward zero liquid discharge systems |
Publication Type | Journal Article |
Year of Publication | 2022 |
Authors | Shamlou, E, Vidic, R, El-Hawagi, MM, Khanna, V |
Journal | Desalination |
Volume | 539 |
Pagination | 115948 |
Date Published | oct |
Keywords | 10.8 |
Abstract | Significant amounts of high-salinity wastewater generated by water-intensive industrial activities such as shale oil and gas production have raised serious environmental concerns in recent years. Existing and emerging desalination technologies offer promise to manage these high salinity wastewater streams while simultaneously producing fresh water that could be diverted for beneficial uses. Osmotically assisted reverse osmosis (OARO) is one such emerging desalination technology capable of handling hypersaline brines and achieving high recoveries. However, rigorous modeling and analysis is needed to evaluate the process performance, energy consumption, and treatment cost of various OARO configurations. This work presents detailed modeling and analysis of brine-reflux OARO (BR-OARO) system and compares it with other commonly discussed configurations, including cascading osmotically mediated reverse osmosis (COMRO), consecutive loop OARO, and split feed counterflow RO, through a cost optimization-based framework. We analyze and compare the treatment costs, membrane area, specific energy consumption, and design parameters of the aforementioned configurations with the ultimate goal of achieving zero liquid discharge (ZLD). The results indicate that the BR-OARO system with treatment cost of 5.1 US \$/m3 of produced water with 10% salinity outperforms other configurations in terms of number of stages needed, treatment cost, membrane area, and energy consumption. |
URL | https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0011916422004039?via%3Dihub |
DOI | 10.1016/j.desal.2022.115948 |