Oxidative ethane dehydrogenation under thermal vs. microwave heating over Ga/ZSM-5 and GaPt/ZSM-5 | AIChE

Oxidative ethane dehydrogenation under thermal vs. microwave heating over Ga/ZSM-5 and GaPt/ZSM-5

TitleOxidative ethane dehydrogenation under thermal vs. microwave heating over Ga/ZSM-5 and GaPt/ZSM-5
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2023
AuthorsCaiola, A, Robinson, B, Brown, S, Wang, X, Wang, Y, Hu, J
JournalCatalysis Communications
Date Publishedmar

Conventional thermal heating versus microwave heating for the oxidative dehydrogenation of ethane with CO2 as the oxidative co-reactant over 2%Ga/ZSM-5 and 1.5%Ga0.5%Pt/ZSM-5. The Ga/ZSM-5 and GaPt/ZSM-5 had a similar ethane conversion under microwave heating at 450 °C, compared to the thermally heated catalyst at 650 °C. The bimetallic GaPt/ZSM-5 performed better than the Ga/ZSM-5. Both the GaPtMWFB-450 °C and GaMWFB-450 °C resulted in a lower production rate to carbon monoxide and water than the TFB-650 °C, suggesting that the microwave heating is less favorable to the water gas shift reaction. In this study, microwave heating increased the catalytic conversion of ethane and selectivity to ethylene.
