Phase separation in an additively manufactured micro-separator for intensified solvent extraction: An eye on numbering-up | AIChE

Phase separation in an additively manufactured micro-separator for intensified solvent extraction: An eye on numbering-up

TitlePhase separation in an additively manufactured micro-separator for intensified solvent extraction: An eye on numbering-up
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2019
AuthorsTouma, J, Freiberg, L, Coblyn, M, Jovanovic, G
JournalComputer Aided Chemical Engineering
Date Publishedjul

Computer-aided methods and tools are used at different stages of chemical process development. However new tools are needed to meet the current and future challenges through innovative and more sustainable solutions that the currently available tools may not be able to provide. This work focuses on component-based software architecture for development of tailor-made computer-aided tools for specific application objectives. The architecture is based on “components”, which can be model-objects that are stored in a library; collection of property models; databases; numerical solvers; design-algorithms (work-flows) etc. The main idea of these components is to incorporate a plug & play framework, where for a specific purpose, after the work-flow and associated data-flow are established, a specific computer-aided tool can be configured through a library of software components. Also, through the use of software components that are based on predictive model-based solution techniques, the final software can be reliably used to provide innovative and more sustainable solutions over a wide range of problems.
