Prediction of Transition-State Scaling Relationships and Universal Transition-State Vibrational and Entropic Correlations for Dehydrogenations | AIChE

Prediction of Transition-State Scaling Relationships and Universal Transition-State Vibrational and Entropic Correlations for Dehydrogenations

TitlePrediction of Transition-State Scaling Relationships and Universal Transition-State Vibrational and Entropic Correlations for Dehydrogenations
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2021
AuthorsKurdziel, SJ, Lansford, JL, Vlachos, DG
JournalThe Journal of Physical Chemistry
Date Publishedsep

Linear scaling relationships (LSRs) and Brønsted–Evans–Polanyi (BEP) or transition-state scaling (TSS) relations aid with the prediction of electronic energies. However, temperature effects and pre-exponentials are often taken as constants across metal surfaces or a homologous series. Vibrational scaling relationships (VSRs) offer a way to determine such parameters. Transition-state VSRs (TSVSRs) between local minima and transition states of AHX (A = C, N, O) surface diffusions correlate with BEP relations and broaden to thermochemical property scaling. Using density functional theory, we extend TSVSRs to AHX dehydrogenation reactions on transition-metal surfaces, relating vibrational modes of local minima to transition states. We first predict the slopes of the TSS relations by incorporating bond angles using the Slater–Koster structure factors and hybridization through crystal orbital overlap population analysis and energy overlap integrals between adsorbates and metal surfaces. Additionally, we uncover universal thermochemical property scaling, enabling the estimation of entropies and temperature corrections to enthalpies across a homologous series. We demonstrate both significant vibrational corrections in reactions with low intrinsic electronic barriers and considerable variation in the pre-exponential of a simple dehydrogenation reaction across metals and AHX adsorbates.
