Arianna Partow | AIChE

Arianna Partow

Citation name

Partow, A.







Arianna J. Partow was born in Jacksonville, Florida. Arianna began her higher education at the University of Florida where she earned her Bachelor of Science in Agricultural and Biological Engineering in 2018. Arianna completed her Master of Science in agricultural and biological engineering in 2019 under the direction of Dr. Zhaohui Tong on the topic of biomaterials for environmental cleanup. Arianna decided to continue her education and pursue her doctorate at the University of Florida in agricultural and biological engineering under her chair Dr. Zhaohui Tong and co-chair Dr. K.C. Jeong on the incorporation of biomaterials in the medical field. As a graduate student, Arianna served as the president of the UF Agricultural and Biological Engineering Graduate Student Organization and the president of the UF Agricultural and Biological Engineering Honor Society, Alpha Epsilon. Arianna also served as the public relations chair of the UF College of Engineering Graduate Student Organization.

Associated proceedings 

2021 Annual Meeting