Jose Cardoso Menezes | AIChE

Jose Cardoso Menezes

Citation name

Menezes, J. C.


Institute of Biotechnology & Bioengineering, Technical Univ. Lisbon



Jose Menezes has a Chemical Engineering degree (1985) and a Masters in Catalysis degree (1988) from the Technical University of Lisbon (TUL) and a PhD in Biochemical Engineering (1996) and a Post-Doc in advanced monitoring of bioprocesses (1999) both taken in industry. He holds an MBA from ISCTE-INDEG Business School (2005). He is co-founder coordinator of the Masters Program in Pharmaceutical Engineering jointly offered by the Faculty of Pharmacy (Lisbon University) and TUL, started in October 2007. From March 2009, Dr Menezes became also invited Asscoiated Professor of Lisbon University’s Faculty of Pharmacy.

Sessions chaired or co-chaired

Bio and Pharmaceutical Process Design
2013 AIChE Annual Meeting (ISBN: 978-0-8169-1110-3)

Associated proceedings 

2013 AIChE Annual Meeting