ALGOR finite element analysis (FEA) software V23 | AIChE

ALGOR finite element analysis (FEA) software V23

The latest version of ALGOR finite element analysis (FEA) software, V23, significantly upgrades its computer-aided engineering (CAE) tools. It has “smart” bonded contact with multi-point constraints that bond the surfaces of unmatched meshes, which makes hand-built models easier to tie together and computer-aided design (CAD) models easier to mesh. It includes a utility that generates vertices and beams to replace non-essential surfaces to reduce model size for quicker analysis. It allows multiple prescribed velocities for fluid-flow analysis to be defined using separate load curves to increase control and flexibility. Its upgraded analysis features include: expanded implementation of multifrontal massively parallel solver (MUMPS) for distributed memory systems on both Linux and Windows clusters; and improved 2-D steady fluid-flow analysis, especially for cases involving high Reynolds numbers and turbulence. The evaluation and presentation of results are enhanced through: an ability to display stress and strain results for midside nodes; beam code checking for mechanical event simulation (MES) to verify compliance with industry-standard AISC ASD structural code; and improved report generation with the ability to save selected results directly to the report as a customizable appendix. 




FEA Software Upgrades Modeling, Analysis and Presentation Tools

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