Model 6V vapor hood | AIChE

Model 6V vapor hood

The Model 6V vapor hood is a reliable option when oil must be removed from areas where volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are present. Used in such places as tanks and sumps, the Model 6V is fully enclosed with a gasket to prevent the VOCs from escaping into the atmosphere, and is used in conjunction with the Model 6V oil skimmer. The vapor hood is designed so that the electric motor is protected from the skimming area and the VOCs. A built-in decanter in the vapor hood also provides water-free oil skimming. Although enclosed, the vapor hood’s construction allows users to easily access the skimmer for inspection and maintenance. Vapor hoods can be manufactured to specified user height requirements and can be constructed of materials suitable for use in all types of applications.


Oil Skimmers, Inc.


Vapor Hood Prevents Harmful Materials from Escaping During Oil-Skimming Process


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