Tropical MarketFirst | AIChE

Tropical MarketFirst

Every day at 12:00 a.m. GMT (Greenwich Mean Time), and at other intervals thereafter, the U.S. National Weather Service releases the Global Forecast System’s (GFS) 00Z track forecast for existing named tropical systems in the Gulf of Mexico and the Atlantic Basin. Using this information, Tropical MarketFirst can predict 12Z (12:00 p.m. GMT) hurricane tracks and release the data up to two hours before they would normally be released to the public. The system also allows users to compare the 12Z forecast with observed data coming in from the 00Z and 06Z tracks. Predictions are accessible to users via a secure password-protected website. Each forecast track predicts a storm’s path out to 16 days or until landfall is expected, and a cone of uncertainty is displayed surrounding each forecasted track.


WSI Corp.


Storm Track Insight Aids in Hurricane Tracking


Product Category