Python Group Additivity (pGrAdd) software for estimating species thermochemical properties | AIChE

Python Group Additivity (pGrAdd) software for estimating species thermochemical properties

TitlePython Group Additivity (pGrAdd) software for estimating species thermochemical properties
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2022
AuthorsWittreich, GR, Vlachos, DG
JournalComputer Physics Communications
Date Publishedapr
Keywords9.5, BP5Q5, BP6Q5, Catalysis, Python, Species thermochemistry

Increasingly complex chemistry models require thermochemical data for many species often estimated from costly first-principles DFT computations. We introduce the Python Group Additivity software (pGrAdd) that implements comprehensive group additivity in a simple, modular, lightweight Python package that is extensible and easy to implement. It includes 6 group additivity databases for gas species and Pt(111) adsorbates allowing users to immediately compute thermochemical properties for a wide range of molecules and build new databases.
