
The Rapid Manufacturing Institute has officially opened its Call for Project Submissions, beginning March 29, 2018 and ending May 22, 2018. Submissions involve two distinct areas: R&D technical projects and Education and Workforce Development. These calls are open only to RAPID members, who will sereve as project leads. However, if you are considering membership--now is the time to join! 

RAPID serves a diverse community of industry, academia, nationals labs and nonprofits. Our last project call in 2017, resulted in selecting and approving 25 projects worth $30m in federal funding and cost-share. Once again, we look forward to submissions that address our six focus areas. 

Nonmembers may submit only after joining RAPID within the allotted project call time frame. Please visit our project calls page to learn more about what we are seeking, our review process and scoring, and more. Please also visit our membership page to complete our form or download a membership application. If you have any questions on either our project calls or membership, address them to