Registration Info | AIChE

Registration Info

Meeting Dates: April 19-20, 2021 ...

Meeting Dates: April 19-20, 2021

Submit an Abstract Register Here

Learn more

Your Rock Stars of Regenerative Engineering - Chicago registration includes access to the technical sessions of the conference (live panels, keynote, and invited talks, and poster sessions), temporary access to a fully replayable recording of talks and panels, and as well as permanent online access to the Rock Stars of Regenerative Engineering - Chicago Proceedings. Access to the proceedings will be granted to the profile (username, password) used to purchase this registration.

This event is proudly virtually collocated with the 2021 Society for Biomaterials Annual Meeting and Exposition ( 

 The AIChE Code of Ethics attendees must follow is available here.  



(ending April 12th)


(starting April 13th)

Industry Professional 
Full Meeting (member) $295 $345
Full Meeting (non-member) $395 $445
Full Meeting (member) $245 $295
Full Meeting (non-member) $345 $395
Full Meeting (member) $50 $100
Full Meeting (non-member) $75 $125

 Cancellation & Substitution Policy:

Cancellation requests can be made by calling Customer Service at 800.242.4363 or 203.702.7660 (outside the United States), or by emailing

• If your cancellation request is received 30 days or more before the first day of the event, AIChE will refund your paid registration fees minus an administration charge of $100.00.
• Registrants canceling fewer than 30 days prior to the first day of the event (or failing to attend) will not receive a refund.
• Registration fees may be transferred to another individual for a $50 administration charge.