Excel VBA Programming for Chemical Engineers - May-2016 | AIChE

Excel VBA Programming for Chemical Engineers - May-2016

Excel VBA Programming for Chemical Engineers


If you know your way around Microsoft Excel and you’re ready to learn Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) Programming this course is for you. Join chemical engineer and VBA expert David Clough for an intensive, hands-on introduction to the built-in programming capabilities of Microsoft Excel, and its companion VBA programming language. Learn how to take your spreadsheet problem-solving skills to the next level.

The basics of Excel VBA programming

In one day, you’ll learn how to improve your efficiency and enhance your spreadsheets by incorporating VBA. You’ll discover how to create time-saving shortcuts via VBA macros and to develop user-defined functions to package custom chemical engineering calculations. You’ll also learn how to manage information between the spreadsheet and VBA environments. And, you’ll see how to design and implement interfaces including user forms and communication with other software packages, such as process simulators. Throughout the day, you’ll cover dozens of topics – everything from creating Excel add-ins to user interfaces – that will improve your Excel problem-solving skills immediately.

Be sure to bring your own computer with Excel installed – preferably the latest version –and get ready to roll up your sleeves to learn by doing. 

Mac users please note: A good portion of the afternoon of the course covers Excel VBA ‘userforms’ which are not currently functional in Excel for Macs. Please take the course on a PC.

Save $795 or more when you take both this course and CH764 Spreadsheet Problem-Solving for Chemical Engineers by registering for CH768 Spreadsheet Problem Solving and VBA Programming Combo Course.


David E. Clough

Dr. David Clough has taught applied statistics at the undergraduate and graduate levels to chemical engineering students for the past 20 years.  At the graduate level, his students have included practicing professionals.

Dr. Clough recently retired after a 43-year career on the faculty of Chemical and Biological Engineering at the University of Colorado’s Boulder Campus.  He is still active in the Department in the Emeritus role, including the supervision of research in applied process control.  He teaches several AIChE Academy courses, both in-person and eLearning...Read more

AIChE Members $1,195.00
AIChE Grad Student Members $547.50
AIChE Undergrad Student Members $547.50

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Day One

Registration-7:30 – 8:00 

·        Getting Started with VBA

o   Configuring Excel for VBA programming

o   The Visual Basic Editor (VBE) environment

o   Recording and editing macros

o   VBE debugging tools

·        User-Defined Functions

o   Programming user-defined functions (UDFs)

o   Including programming structure in UDFs

o   Developing array functions and borrowing Excel functions

o   Packaging collections of functions in an Excel add-in

Delving into VBA Programming

·        Communicating with Excel – object-oriented concepts

·        Data types and scope

·        VBA programming structures

·        Modular organization of VBA programs

User Interfaces and VBA Applications

·        Message boxes, input boxes and on-sheet buttons

·        Programming event handlers

·        UserForms

·        Integration course concepts into an Excel VBA application

·        Interfacing with outside programs

Times displayed are in EST. Please email questions to academy@aiche.org

10:00 – 11:30  Session 1

Getting Started with VBA

  • Configuring Excel for VBA programming
  • The Visual Basic Editor environment
  • Recording and editing macros
  • Debugging in the Visual Basic Editor

12:00 – 1:30  Session 2

User-Defined Functions

  • Programming user-defined functions (UDFs)
  • Including programming structure in UDFs
  • Borrowing Excel spreadsheet-based functions
  • Developing array functions
  • Packaging collections of functions in an Excel add-in

2:30 – 4:00  Session 3

Delving into VBA Programming

  • Communicating with the spreadsheet
    • Object-oriented concepts
  • Data types and scope
  • VBA programming structures
  • Modular organization of VBA programs

4:30 – 6:00  Session 4

User Interfaces and VBA Applications

  • Message boxes, input boxes and on-sheet buttons
  • Programming event handlers
  • Designing and creating userforms
  • Integrating course concepts into an Excel VBA application
  • Interfacing with external programs
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1 day

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Accommodation Instructions 

Group rates available through sister company MicroTek Chicago (subject to availability and blackout). Click links above for group rate information at each hotel.