Major Oil Companies Commit to Climate Change Action | AIChE

Major Oil Companies Commit to Climate Change Action


Chief executives of ten global oil and gas companies have jointly declared their support for an effective climate agreement to be reached at the 21st session of the United Nations (UN) Conference of Parties to the UN Framework on Climate Change (COP21) scheduled to begin at the end of this month in Paris. In their declaration, the CEOs say that they share the goal of limiting the global average temperature rise to 2°C, and they recognize that the existing trend of the world’s net greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions is not consistent with this ambition.

Called the Oil and Gas Climate Initiative (OGCI), the group consists of BP (U.K.), BG Group (U.K.), Eni (Italy), Pemex (Mexico), Reliance Industries (India), Repsol (Spain), Royal Dutch Shell (the Netherlands), Saudi Aramco (Saudi Arabia), Statoil (Norway), and Total (France). Together, these companies provide almost 10% of the world’s energy.

While they have not set out a path toward reducing GHG emissions, they say that they are committed to being part of the climate change solution.

“It is a challenge for the whole of society. We are committed to playing our part,” they say...

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