Paving a Perovskite Path to Low-Cost Solar Energy | AIChE

Paving a Perovskite Path to Low-Cost Solar Energy


Metal halide perovskites are emerging as promising materials for photovoltaic (PV) cells because of their high power conversion efficiencies and low processing costs.

Single-junction perovskite devices have achieved conversion efficiencies as high as 22%. Tandem perovskite cells could achieve even higher efficiencies, but that would require stacking two perovskite materials with complementary bandgaps — a high-bandgap material for the cell facing the sun (front cell) and a lower-bandgap material for the other PV cell (back cell). The sun-facing cell would capture higher-energy photons while letting the lower-energy photons travel through to the back cell, which would convert those photons into electrons. Finding a set of perovskite materials to work in tandem in this way has been challenging.

A tandem solar cell made of two perovskite materials can achieve a power conversion efficiency of 20.3%. The sun-facing perovskite cell (red) absorbs high-energy light waves, and the back cell (brown) absorbs lower-energy light. Image courtesy of Giles Eperon...

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