A new cellulose-polymer power paper flexes, folds — and sets a new record for simultaneous ionic and electronic conductivity.
The black, slightly plastic-like paper, dubbed NFC-PEDOT paper by it inventors, offers hope for future electrical energy storage needs. A circle of NFC-PEDOT paper 6 in. (15 cm) in diameter can act as a 1-farad capacitor.
As humans increasingly rely on electricity to power everything from homes to personal gadgets to burgeoning server farms, researchers are searching for materials that can hold huge amounts of charge. Mixed ionic-electronic conductors (MIECs) are particularly sought-after. Traditionally, achieving high ionic conductivity has involved a tradeoff with electronic conductivity, says Xavier Crispin, a professor of organic electronics at Linköping Univ. in Sweden.
The new material dispenses with that trade-off. It has both high ionic and high electronic conductivity, and is lightweight and flexible to boot....
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